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Reviews 1946-57
- Edmund Blunden, Shelley: A Life Story.
- Review of Humphry House, Coleridge: The Clark Lectures.
- Review of Rosamund Tuve, A Reading of George Herbert.
- Review of John Jones, The Egotistical Sublime: A History of Wordsworth's Imagination.
- Review of Donald Davie, F.R. Leavis, Herbert Read, and R.S. Crane.
- Review of Montague Weekly, Thomas Bewick.
- Review of Robert Gittings and Earl Wasserman.
- Review of F.W. Bateson, Wordsworth: A Re-interpretation.
- Review of C.S. Wilkinson, The Wake of the `Bounty'.
- Review of Richard Ellmann and Virginia Moore.
- Review of Neville Rogers, Shelley at Work.
- Review of Bonamy Dobrée, The Broken Cisterns: The Clark Lectures.
- Review of Mary Moorman, William Wordsworth: A Biography Vol 1.